Our Vision
We are driven by the belief that conventional farming methods are simply no longer sustainable, and that agriculture needs to innovate now. By 2050 it’s estimated that there will be 9.7 billion mouths to feed – a 34% increase on the world’s current population. Meanwhile climate change is creating unpredictable and extreme weather conditions that can wipe out entire crops in a day. Worldwide, agriculture uses up 70% of our water supply and generates 30% of our carbon emissions. A third of the land on the planet has now been severely degraded, and a further 24 billion tonnes of fertile soil is lost every year.
IAG’s vision is a world in which innovative agri-tech solutions form the backbone of mainstream farming, and in which no one goes hungry because they were born in an area with poor soil or low rainfall. New technologies are making it possible to grow food almost anywhere on the planet, without soil or sunlight and with only minimal water – with the right investment, research and marketing, these innovations have the power to transform farming for future generations.